These are some reviews of anything from restaurants and bars to makeup and clothes.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Clinique eye cream review

When I got my three step cleansing products the clinique lady gave me some samples of some more of their samples. One of these was an eye cream, I don't usually use eye creams (although maybe I should start, I'm not getting any younger!) But I thought I would give this a go.
I tried using it every day for a week, and used it at the same time as my moisturiser before my primer. Honestly though I will never use this again. My eye lids developed some really rough patches which I didn't even know what was possible! It was like eczema but on my eyes (I don't even get eczema) which I'm guessing isn't meant to happen. Now, I may just be allergic to something in this product, and other people may love it but personally I don't think it does anything.

The smell is lovely,  it doesn't smell clinical like some of their other products. It's a creamy texture (well it is a cream) and is pale yellowy in colour. I'm not sure what the actual container looks like as I only have the sample but that was in a small tub with a green lid on it. Perfect for taking on weekends away if you use this product as it is small enough to fit in any bag.

Overall I won't be purchasing this product but if anyone else has used it please let me know what you thought.


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