These are some reviews of anything from restaurants and bars to makeup and clothes.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Clinique eye cream review

When I got my three step cleansing products the clinique lady gave me some samples of some more of their samples. One of these was an eye cream, I don't usually use eye creams (although maybe I should start, I'm not getting any younger!) But I thought I would give this a go.
I tried using it every day for a week, and used it at the same time as my moisturiser before my primer. Honestly though I will never use this again. My eye lids developed some really rough patches which I didn't even know what was possible! It was like eczema but on my eyes (I don't even get eczema) which I'm guessing isn't meant to happen. Now, I may just be allergic to something in this product, and other people may love it but personally I don't think it does anything.

The smell is lovely,  it doesn't smell clinical like some of their other products. It's a creamy texture (well it is a cream) and is pale yellowy in colour. I'm not sure what the actual container looks like as I only have the sample but that was in a small tub with a green lid on it. Perfect for taking on weekends away if you use this product as it is small enough to fit in any bag.

Overall I won't be purchasing this product but if anyone else has used it please let me know what you thought.


Saturday 17 May 2014

My may favourites

I was recently watching a vlog that I haven't seen in a while by Blair fowler juicystar07 (I used to love watching her vlogs but then stopped when I moved) and it made me want to start showing what my favourite things of the month are.

Firstly my absolute favourite thing is my new makeup brush cleaner by no7 which I did a review of after the first initial use but now I have fallen even more in love with it. I never used to clean my brushes  but now that I do my skin looks so much fresher and healthier and I can only assume it's because where the old makeup was still.on the brushes there would be bacteria too which I now clean off. I can not recommend this product enough.

Secondly is my no7 lip crayon which I did not buy myself but got as a free gift when I purchased some foundation. It does dry my lips a little bit so I do use it with vaseline but the colour is perfect for the summer and seems to go well with my skin tone.

I also love my soap&glory archery brow tint and precision shaping pencil as it comes with both a crayon and a pen to fill my brows in with and is amazing! I think the colour was called brownie points, because I have very dark brows I tend to have to use the crayon more as the pen doesn't fill in as much as I feel it should but my brows still look natural.

I couldn't live without my revlon high lighting palette in rose glow. It is amazing for the summer, although I also want to try the more.golden one to make me look a bit more tanned. This product doesn't cake on so you control how pink it goes, and it looks very gorgeous! A lot of people have actually asked me about this product since I started wearing it.

Lastly my favourite may nail varnish I'd from the Barry m silk collection and is the colour heather. It is a pale lilac and is perfect for the summer, and also lasts about 10 days without chipping which is good for a normal nail varnish. 

That's it for the beauty products so now I will talk about my other may favourites.

My fave bag is still my pale pink river island satchel. It fits everything I need for work while looking stylish and very much in fashion right now.

My fave TV show this month has to be men at work. It is hilarious! It is basically about four American guys who work together and their life,  but it is what I assume all men are like when they are with their best mates. It is worth a watch although there aren't any men to perve on which is a bit of a downer.

My fave song is still timber by pit bull and kesha, I am a little obsessed with this and if anyone sees me in my car at 5am after I've dropped my fella off, you will probably notice that this song is on very high and I sing and dance along to it!

My favourite ice cream is bounty, it reminds me of holidays and I am in love with coconut! I once drank a cocktail out of a fresh coconut, as well as drinking the liquid (coconut water I think) straight from it on the island of women near mexico and fell in love. They are my fave summer thing and are the one thing that is guaranteed to make me smile!

That's all for may, if anyone has any of their favourite may things they want to share feel free to email me at or tweet me.


Tuesday 13 May 2014

My sad cat and friends

Recently a twitter account was brought to my attention by a girl I work with about a cat. I didn't think i was a cat person but even the tweets made my heart melt. I always get this wrong but I think it is @mysadcat but if you search for that or why my cat is sad then it should come up.
The cat is called the bear and he is the most adorable cat-person that I have ever seen, even from the photos it looks as if he is thinking something very wise or looking into your soul to find out everything about you. I looked forward to reading these tweets and looking at the accompanying photos, and then I found out there were books written by Tom Cox who is the 'creator' of my sad cat.
The books are called 'under the paw' 'talk to the tail' and 'the good the bad and the furry' (the titles are actually longer but if you go onto amazon and type what I've given in they will come up). I got them on my kindle immediately.  I was going through a bit of a tough time and honestly reading these books about the cats that tom has and his life as a result of this made me smile and laugh, I couldn't put them down!
The books also made me want a kitten as I had seen the effect that cats had on people mentioned in the books, and they also seemed a lot more affectionate than I thought cats would be (also my house is too small for the husky dog that I want) so I went to a shelter and got myself a kitten who had been handed in as the owner didn't have any more room for her.
My kitten is not as intelligent as the bear yet, but she is the cutest thing I have in my life and I wouldn't have got her if it wasn't for the bear.
Me and Princess (my cat, I know I am.thinking of alternative names but when I brought her home she looked so much like she was thinking she was royalty and I should bow down to her) would like to recommend these books to everyone who needs cheering up (although there is a couple of sad parts) even if you don't think you are a cat person. I actually challenge anyone who doesn't like cats to read about the bear, and Shipley, and Ralph and the others and not love them!

Keep up the good work tom Cox


Wednesday 7 May 2014

Soap and glory heel genius

This is a bit embarrassing to admit but I have horrible feet!
Well maybe not horrible but i have dry hard skin on the balls and heels of my feet which i hate!
I got soap and glory heel genius in a Christmas gift set so thought there would be no harm in trying it seeing as i use soap & glory for everything else!
First off, I'm not going to lie it smells awful! I gagged I really did! Other people might like the smell but each to their own.
It comes in the usual gorgeous pick tubes that the moisturiser comes in (I love this) and it is a blue/grey colour which is a bit unusual.
It contains allantoin,  glycerin, macadamia oil, menthol, bilberry, orange and lemon fruit acid smoothers.
It recommends putting this all over your feet and then putting cotton socks over the top, I have pink Cottom socks off a spa set I got a few years ago so I used them. I wasn't expecting much the first time I used it, I thought I would at least have to try it a couple of times a week to see any difference but I left the socks on overnight and in the morning I was amazed! Gone were the dry hard patches of skin, in its place was moisturised soft gorgeous skin!! I have used it a couple of times since then with the same results every time!
This is perfect for the summer when I will be flashing my feet in wedges and sandals without feeling embarrassed and trying to hide my feet!
I would highly recommend this to anyone!!

Well done soap & glory another amazing must have!


Monday 5 May 2014

No7 makeup brush cleaner

I'm not gonna lie I am usually one of those people that just buy new brushes instead of cleaning my old ones- usually because I hadn't ever seen brush cleaner and someone's tip to use shampoo was stupid...well for me anyway. But then my fella bought me some proper amazing brushes and I don't want to throw them out. So I went on the hunt for makeup brush cleaner. 
I say on the hunt, what I really mean is that I Googled it and clinique came up so I went to town but boots didn't have any and then I happened upon one by no7.
It was cheaper than the clinique one and to be honest I wasn't expecting much.
It says spray some cleaner onto a tissue and wipe the brushes along it, O M G the amount of makeup that came off! It took me about fifteen minutes to clean them all which is amazing and now they all genuinely look as good as new. I will do a before and after pic next time I clean them as I was genuinely amazed.
It's only £8 in boots and is in the 3 for 2 deal atm so Is worth every penny!!


The village spa newcastle

I will be honest and say I hadn't really been to a spa weekend before until my mate got a good deal at the village spa and hotel in Newcastle. The offer was for two treatments per person, breakfast and a three course evening meal and unlimited use of the gym, pool, sauna and steam room. Now I used to be a lifeguard so I love swimming so that is what swayed it for me! Free swimming for the whole weekend....boss!
We had to get the bus there cos I didn't have a clue where it was and I don't deal well with driving to places I don't know but the bus stop was right outside.
First impressions were that it looked like a hotel and not at all like a spa, there was even a club in it which was booked for the night by a tribute band, and a coffee shop in the foyer (we got free hot choc cos we used to work with the girl there and she recognised us...its not what you know it's who you know!).
We were sharing a room with twin beds, and honestly the room was okay for what it was but nothing impressive. There was a TV and coffee making facilities but other than that it was quite bare and the view was of some allotments. Couldn't really complain for what we paid though.
We got there late on so we decided to go swimming straight away and have our treatments the next day. The pool was lovely, and empty other than a few gym heads (yanno the lads who look a bit triangular with their muscly top half's and skinny legs...not impressive) and a lifeguard (who my mate fancied....cue us trying to swim seductively past him then me nearly drowning cos my belly bar ball  came off and I panicked and swallowed water...smooth I know). There was some Jacuzzis full of old women who were actually lovely and we had a nice convo about where to holiday in America (they were rich so everywhere they suggested was dead expensive). We alternated between swimming, jacuzzing and going in the sauna (the steam room was broken). There was also some sun loungers which we commandeered. ..typical mackems!
After a while a group of lads came in which perked r up (my mate) as she fancied her chances with all of them. I was with PB so wasn't interested which made them more interested in me...lads eh! R got a bit sick of them hitting on me so we went back to the room (there was no changing rooms free so we had to change in the communal bit. Dunno if you have ever been in that situation but no way was anyone seeing my lady parts so I made my towel into a tent ha ha).
The meal that night was amazing, I'm not gonna lie it was fit! I was full just off the starter though! I had garlic mushrooms and they were huge. For main I had chicken with garlic mashed potato and veg (I was disappointed with the mash actually) and dessert was a huuuuge piece of chocolate cake. By huge I mean bigger than  my head! I couldn't finish it so the nice waitress boxed it up for me :-)

In the morning we went swimming again, then got changed for our treatments. I had a facial (so lovely and my skin looked boss after) and a massage.  Now, I don't know if I'm thick but I thought a massage was meant to relax you. Not mine. I got a moody girl who literally damaged the muscle in my back and jaw and I couldn't open my mouth for a good hour (to the delight of r) and I ended up going to a&e for my back later that day. R also had a massage and hers was fine so maybe I was just unlucky.
R went swimming again while I sat in the jacuzzi due to not being able to move and r finally got the number from the lifeguard. 
We had another meal and honestly I would go there again just for the food! And we had a quick hot choc before we left.
I haven't mentioned drinks yet, we both were boring and had archers and lemonade and then moved onto vodka.

Overall I would go back again and my mate did go back there when she was pregnant! I would Deffo not get a massage again though!
