These are some reviews of anything from restaurants and bars to makeup and clothes.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Soap & glory sugar crush body wash

A couple of years ago I hadnt even heard of soap & glory, then I was given a gift set off my mam and I fell in love. I admit I have become a bit obsessed with the girly smell (I even have the hand gel as I work in a hospital and everyone pinches it off me) so when I was given this body wash the scent surprised me.
I can only describe the scent as being citrusy, it is amazing for a morning shower as it wakes you up and smells fresh :) To be honest it is the smell that PB loves and I keep catching him using it (he is a bit of a mans man so ive been told not to tell his mates he washes with soap & glory) and he loves it!
The consistency is the same as other soap & glory body washes, and I use it with the soap & glory scrunchie I got in my gift pack which leaves my skin super soft.
You only need a small amount as it lathers up really well, so the bottle should last quite a while (although PB does tend to use a bit more than needed).

I would recommend this product, but I still prefer the scent of the original products but if it makes PB happy then it makes me happy :)

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