These are some reviews of anything from restaurants and bars to makeup and clothes.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Lip voltage

I heard about this on twitter, I feel a bit like I was missing out as everyone had heard of it before me! I'm not sure what happened there other than I had been busy doing other things.
I read some of the reviews and seen some of the images of people using lip voltage, and I had to have some. Now, it was sold out everywhere but once I set my mind to something I generally get it. I know a man who knows a man who has a sister. ...anyway I got my hands on some and had to try it straight away.
In the past the only lip plumping thing I have used is the one by soap and glory and that tingles but was nothing on this!
I only put two drops of the lip voltage in as I heard how uncomfortable it was to use more and I'm a bit of a wuss!
Basically the selling point of this product is that it makes your lips look as if you have had fillers without actually having fillers. I didn't think that it would work despite seeing the pictures online, products like this generally get loads of hype and then turn out to be nothing exciting.  However I thought I'd give it a go anyway...
It does tingle so much but once that passes it is so worth it! My lips were full and actually looked darker in colour (a bit red which I'm not sure is part of the appeal but I liked it). It lasts for ages too, so is perfect for a night out! I wouldn't recommend using this if you have dry chapped lips though as mine felt quite dry afterwards, although that could have been the air con at work!
I have only used this once but so far I am impressed and people kept asking me if I had had fillers in my lips!!
This is a must have for any woman!!


Thursday 24 April 2014

Clinique 3-step

A couple of years ago I tried the clinique 3-step system, I had the level 3 for normal to oily skin.  I stopped using it until I moved in with PB. At Christmas time we noticed that clinique had an offer on the 3step system, there was a larger size of step 2 and it all came with free travel sizes which would have been perfect for me as I travel alot. Unfortunately the clinique lady told us that it only came in level 2 which is normal to dry skin and so wouldnt have worked for me. I was gutted but the lady gave us the three steps in my level for the same price, (think it was about £68)  and gave us some clinique samples (she even gave PB some men samples which he loved), and she put them all in a gift box with a clinique travel bag. She is the nicest clinique assistant that ive met and ive met a fair few of them over the years.
Anyway,  I started using these again and honestly I am in love.
I got the solid soap rather than the liquid soap as apparently it lasts longer, it comes in its own soap dish (which is green with silver writing and looks lovely in my bathroom) and is a yellowy orange colour. It lathers up quite well, nearly as good as the liquid soap which is good. The only problem I have is that I have to remove my makeup first as this soap doesnt get rid of it all. It makes my skin feel lovely, and it doesnt have an overpowering smell like some clinique products
The second step is the clarifying lotion (mine is pink). It has a slight clinical smell but it doesnt bother me much. I use it with a cotton wool ball, the larger size that was available at christmas for level 2 had a pump but the normal ones don't. I hold the cotton ball over the top of the bottle and tip once, that is all I need for my whole face. It does leave my skin feeling dry but as I follow it with the moisturiser it doesnt matter so much. It acts as an exfoliator and gets rid of skin flakes etc and helps to refine pores.
Step 3 is the moisturiser,  mine is the dramatically different moisturising gel. It comes in a cute bottle with a pump top and is yellow in colour. Because it is gel it is better for my skin, and it leaves my skin feeling super soft. This is my favourite step as I love the gel so much. One pump is enough for my whole face, unless it is the winter as sometimes my forehead gets a bit dry (my skin is a bit weird and never really knows whether to bw oily normal or dry). It doesnt smell either which is good.

I dont have spots (except for that time when I forgot my pill for a few days and got some but that was a one off) so I dont know how well this would work on keeping skin clear if it wasnt naturally clear. But it does help to keep my skin smooth and gorgeous looking.  I dont think I will ever stop using this, people have suggested cheaper alternatives but I would rather pay the extra for a quality product. I have a travel sized bottle of clarifying lotion so with the soap and the moisturiser I can take it anywhere with me, which I also love!
I would definitely recommend this to everyone (although I can only comment on the type that I use but I have heard that the others are as good).


Tuesday 22 April 2014

No 7 matte primer

I have been using this primer for a couple of weeks now, at first I was really impressed but now im unsure.
The primer is white in colour, and if you put too much on it does leave white marks on your face. It doesnt go on very smoothly, it seems to drag across the skin which isnt something ive come across in any other primer. I suppose it is how it tries to make the skin matte by drying it, but it makes it a bit more difficult to apply.
It doesnt seem to have a smell, or not one that ive noticed anyway.
It claims to ' stop shine for a matte finish and improves blemishes'. I have worn this both by itself (when I was just lounging around the house) and under foundation and I have noticed that it does keep the skin matte when used alone, but doesnt when under foundation. I have tried three different types of foundation, including no7, and it doesnt seem to make a difference. I am a bit disappointed in this as I had read some good reviews before I bought it.
I dont usually have spots but as some of you know I did get a few when I forgot to take my pill and this doesnt seem to have improved them (they have mostly gone now but this could be because I am taking my pill regularly again, and also use the clinique three step system).

Overall I dont think I would purchase this again as there are many other primers out there that work better.  It may be good for people with dry skin but as I have combination oily skin it doesnt work for me


Sunday 20 April 2014

Soap & glory sugar crush body wash

A couple of years ago I hadnt even heard of soap & glory, then I was given a gift set off my mam and I fell in love. I admit I have become a bit obsessed with the girly smell (I even have the hand gel as I work in a hospital and everyone pinches it off me) so when I was given this body wash the scent surprised me.
I can only describe the scent as being citrusy, it is amazing for a morning shower as it wakes you up and smells fresh :) To be honest it is the smell that PB loves and I keep catching him using it (he is a bit of a mans man so ive been told not to tell his mates he washes with soap & glory) and he loves it!
The consistency is the same as other soap & glory body washes, and I use it with the soap & glory scrunchie I got in my gift pack which leaves my skin super soft.
You only need a small amount as it lathers up really well, so the bottle should last quite a while (although PB does tend to use a bit more than needed).

I would recommend this product, but I still prefer the scent of the original products but if it makes PB happy then it makes me happy :)